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Feature of the month : Top tips from Aegis Life's Marjan Keirk !

Are you still paying unnecessary high ACC levies?

Most business owners and self-employed people are automatically put on ACC Cover Plus, which often it’s not the best cover. There is an alternative: “ACC CoverPlus Extra”. However, you have to know about it and apply for it-that’s where we can help.

What most people don’t realize is that a claim is based on the previous years’ taxable income, so if you paid yourself $50,000 in the last year, your benefit will be 80% of that. What happens if you are now earning significantly more?

AEGIS LIFE INSURANCE has saved its’ clients on average 38%on their ACC bills to date.

We can reduce your ACC levies, make sure you receive full cover for accident AND illness, and still save you money!

Give us a call today on 09 214 9076 or send an email to and stop paying unnecessary ACC levies....

Top Tips from Marjan

Hi guys, March is Child Cancer appeal month. Every week in New Zealand, three families are told their child has cancer. As heartbreaking as it is, what are the things we can do to make it easier on the children and their families that go through this journey? The diagnosis of cancer in a child or a teenager is devastating to the parents and other family members. Cancer creates a crisis in the family and the last thing they need is the financial burden of expensive cancer treatments. If your child has been diagnosed with cancer, how to pay for treatment is usually not the first thing that comes to mind, but sooner or later you have to face the cost of these treatments. There are many extra expenses that come with cancer. For instance, transportation, a place to stay while your child is being treated, food and child care for other children. Parents may have to take unpaid time off work or even give up a job because of treatment schedules. I know most of you might be thinking that there are many free treatments available for kids in this country but with the increasing rate of cancer, most of the families are facing the danger of waiting lists. I don't know about you but if it's me, I wouldn't want to delay the treatments even for one minute, let alone weeks and months... Having health insurance coverage for cancer treatment and all of the needed follow-up care is critical for most families, as it gives options with better chances of survival. Don't leave it to the chance and let's get together and review all your insurances to make sure those you love are protected as well as financially safe. Give me a call or text today on 021-778-853 or email me at

Any policy sold in the month of March, we will donate 10% of the annual premium to the Child Cancer Foundation.

A GOOD FINANCIAL ADVISER IS GOLD!!!!!!!!! Call Marjan today 021 77 88 53 When it comes to finding a financial adviser you want an adviser that really understands your needs and qualifies to give you the best advice. Looking after our clients is our main focus and our highest priority, making sure each and every client is on top of their financial goals and there are no gaps in their policies. AEGIS LIFE also stands for certainty at claim time. Our claims record is 100% successful.

Copyright © 2014 AEGIS LIFE INSURANCES, All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: AEGIS LIFE INSURANCES 29a Forbes Street Onehunga Auckland, Auckland 1061 New Zealand Add us to your address book

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