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However, before you can take advantage of the new build exemption, you must also be an ‘early owner’. This is someone who acquires a new build either before the CCC is issued or no later than 12 months after it is
Consultation closed on 12 July 2021; therefore, we expect to see a bill introduced to Parliament soon. Given the content of the discussion document, we expect the legislation will be complex. This is a concern, given the wide reach of who the new rules will apply to.
The ‘ute’ – Kiwi icon or tax dodge
It does appear the Government is saying ‘it’s not me, it’s you’ to the ute.
Paid parental leave for who?
From 1 July 2021, eligible parents will be entitled to a maximum of $621.76 a week (before tax), an increase of 2.5% on the prior rate of $606.46. While the monetary increase is no doubt welcomed, a recently released UNICEF report suggests that New Zealand’s child-care policies remain inferior among OECD countries. The report ranks New Zealand in the bottom third of “rich countries” after accounting for the duration of paid leave available, access, quality and affordability of childcare.
It is evident that countries and corporations alike are seeking to advance parental leave policies, however, the uptake rates are likely to remain influenced by societal and corporate expectations surrounding caregiving. Nevertheless, the introduction and revision of policies by numerous global players has undoubtedly started a broader conversation which seeks to challenge entrenched traditional gender roles.
Cryptocurrencies – Are they on your radar?
This year El Salvador made bitcoin legal tender, and we are seeing more stores accept cryptocurrency as payment. However, the extreme volatility associated with crypto-assets makes their use as a currency unreliable for the time being. Clearly, the market is not to be underestimated and we can expect further guidance from Inland Revenue as things evolve.
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